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Title page for etd-0914109-134749
The study of DNA sequences in distinction giant clams and their processed products
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scales, ganbei, preservative methods, giant clams
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硨磲貝生長於淺水域珊瑚礁區,是具有高度經濟價值的物種,也是早期用來製作干貝的主要原料,現今族群量大幅減少,被CITES列為世界稀有海洋生物。本研究探討不同樣本保存方式對基因序列鑑定硨磲貝物種能力的影響,並檢測市售干貝是否仍有保育類的硨磲貝。從墾丁、綠島、蘭嶼、小琉球及澎湖的珊瑚礁區,採集硨磲蛤科和江珧蛤科物種,並購買市售的干貝產品,利用四段DNA序列(COI, 16S, 18S, 28S)及外型特徵鑑定物種,並檢測-70 ℃冷凍保存、70 %酒精保存、烘乾、冷凍乾燥四種樣本保存方式對DNA的影響。由DNA序列結果可知,COI 及16S序列的物種鑑別力高;18S與28S屬於較保守的序列片段,這兩段序列在同科的物種間變異性低,因此這兩段序列較適合做高階層物種鑑定,序列結果並顯示長硨磲貝Tridacna maxima中有一隱藏種為諾亞硨磲貝Tridacna noae;四種保存方式的硨磲貝樣本萃取都可以得到10Kb以上的DNA,單一個體四段序列四種處理間差異大多在0 - 0.020內,而樣本的種內個體間差異為0 - 0.070,四種保存方式中,並沒有特別不適用的保存方式。檢測市售干貝的製作原料,發現所有的干貝都是由扇貝製成,其中大部分是帆立貝Patinopecten yessoensis少部分為海灣扇貝Argopecten irradians,顯示硨磲貝與江珧蛤已非製作干貝的原料。
Giant clams (Tridacnidae) are economic species which have been the main materials for ganbei. Due to a huge decline in population size, it was reported as an endangered species in CITES list. In this study, the effects of different preservative methods on the expression of DNA sequences in giant clams were examined and whether ganbai is made from giant clams were also determined. I collected samples from Kenting, Green Island, Orchid Island, Shaio-Liu-Chu and Penghu Islands. And, ganbei were bought from markets. Species identification was based on four DNA sequences (COI, 16S, 18S, 28S) and morphological characters. The distinction power of four preservative methods (-70 ℃ frozen, 70 % ethanol, dried and freeze dried) on clam samples was evaluated. DNA sequences of CO1 and 16S are the best fragments to distinguish samples at species level. Additionally, a cryptic species of Tridacna noae was found from Tridacna maxima. The 18S and 28S sequences have low variation among giant clam species which are more suitable for higher level of phylogeny. The DNA fragments with different preservative methods were mostly in good condition having extracted DNA size up to 10 Kb. The sequencing divergences of the four preservation were 0 - 0.020 within an individual and 0 - 0.070 among individuals. In conclusion, the four preservative methods are similar in sequence expression. Ganbei made from giant clams was not found in the market. Instead, commercial ganbei are made from scallops, mostly Patinopecten yessoensis and some Argopecten irradians.
目次 Table of Contents
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