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博碩士論文 etd-0916105-175117 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0916105-175117
黑色軟海綿(Halichondria okadai)幼體型態之變化
Morphology changes of Sponge Juvenile of Halichondria okadai
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spicules, juvenile, sponge
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黑色軟海綿(Halichondria okadai)是澎湖瓦硐地區潮間帶常見的海綿種類之一。本研究探討此種海綿成長過程之型態變化以及其體內抗紫外線物質的變化。研究發現,海綿幼體顏色與成長無關;對成體而言,黑色層之厚度與海綿成體之成長無關,而海綿幼體的內部型態結構會隨著其成長而改變,海綿白色及黑色幼體表皮層組織為排列緻密的細胞所組成,在中葉層部分,細胞排列較表皮層鬆散且有一些組織較緻密的水流通道。在骨針組成方面,黑色軟海綿隨不同發育時期而有差異,在胚胎以及幼生階段體內皆無骨針存在,白色及黑色幼體體內之骨針的組成為小型骨針(microsclere),有oxyaster euaster及 oxyaster oxyspheraster兩型,以及大型骨針尖桿體(oxea)及二輻鈍端骨針(strongyle)兩型;而黑色軟海綿成體的骨針組成為大型骨針(megasclere),並未發現存在於幼體體內之小型骨針。海綿幼體於光處理下其顏色會加深變黑;而不同階段之海綿體內蛋白質濃度及黑色素濃度顯著不同,成體每單位乾重之蛋白質含量及黑色素含量皆較幼體低,但每單位蛋白質之黑色素含量成體(0.074-0.115 mg/protein)則明顯高於幼體(0.028-0.036 mg/protein);此外,成體體內蛋白質含量越高,其黑色素的含量也越高。
The sponge Halichondria okadai is one of the most common sponges in the intertidal zone in Peng-Hu, Taiwan. And their juveniles are found on the back side of rocks in the period of July to October. In the present study, changes of juvenile morphology with their growth and the contents of photoprotective materials were examined. In adults, the thickness of the black surface layer did not correlate with their surface area. In juveniles, changes of their color were not correlated with their surface area neither. In juveniles, the structure of the tissues in the mesoyl layer were looser than the surface layer and there were more black chromatocytes in the surface layer than the mesohyl layer. The compositions of spicules were different in various stages of the sponge. There were no spicules in embryos and larvae. In juveniles, microscleres were the main components. However, megascleres of oxea and strongyle were the major types in adult. When the juveniles exposed to different light treatments, their color changed gradually from white to black. In adults, the total contents of melanin were more in the surface layer than the mesoyl layer. And comparison, the contents of melanin were more in adults (0.074-0.115 mg/protein) than in juveniles (0.028-0.036 mg/protein).
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參考文獻 References
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