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博碩士論文 etd-0929111-134137 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0929111-134137
A Storage QoS and Power Saving Distributed Storage System for Cloud Computing
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Cloud Computing, Storage QoS, Multicast, Kalman Filter, Network Coding
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In order to achieve the storage QoS and power saving, we proposed a fast data migration/transmission scheme and a power saving algorithm for Dataenode management. The fast data migration/ transmission scheme consists of three mechanisms. First, it uses multicast to improve the network bandwidth and solve the I/O and bandwidth bottlenecks. Then, a network coding is used to increase the network throughput and retain high fault tolerance. Third, it uses a user/Dataenode connection management to prevent missing the important message and collocates with CPU & I/O bound scheduling to make data evenly stored in the system. Experimental results show the proposed fast data migration/transmission improves 56% and 85% efficiency in the upload bandwidth and the response time. The proposed power saving algorithm applies the Kalman filter first and then add with the pattern analysis to predict the system workload to adjust the number of Dataenodes dynamically in order to save power. Experimental results show that the proposed power saving algorithm for Dataenode management achieves more than 92.97% accuracy in the workload prediction and improves 52.25% in power consumption with 3.82% error rate.
目次 Table of Contents
List of Figures vii
List of Tables x
1. Introduction 1
2. Related Work 11
2.1 Network Coding 11
2.2 Cloud Storage System 12
2.3 Scheduler of Hadoop 13
2.4 Power Saving 14
3. Proposed Architecture 18
3.1 System Overview 18
3.1.1 CPU & I/O Bound Scheduling 20
3.1.2 Monitor 22
3.2 Fast Data Migration/Transmission Scheme 24
3.2.1 User/Dataenode Connection Management 24
3.2.2 Multicast & Network Coding 27
3.3 Power Saving Algorithm for Dataenode Management 32
4. Performance Evaluation 45
4.1 Performance of the Fast Data Migration/Transmission Scheme 45
4.2 Performance of the Proposed Power Saving Algorithm for Dataenode Management 49
5. Conclusions 70
References 71
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