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博碩士論文 etd-1007113-134156 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1007113-134156
A 3-D FEM Numerical Model Using Unstructured Grids to Study Nutrients Circulation in Dapeng Bay
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Eutrophication, Lagoon, Tidal circulation, Unstructured grids, Biological Model
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近岸潟湖因靠近陸地而易受陸域物質傳輸而影響,同時其生態平衡也極易受到衝擊與擾動。大鵬灣位於台灣西南部的屏東縣東港鎮與林邊鄉交界處,為一處淺水堰塞型海岸潟湖(chocked coastal lagoon)。近年來交通部觀光局將大鵬灣開發為國際觀光遊憩區,為了解開發案對灣域水質生態的衝擊,本研究建立高解析精度的非結構網格模式,以三維水動力模式耦合生態變數進行案例模擬。而南台灣乾濕季氣候分明,颱風季節由疏洪道及周邊排水渠道排入大量雨水逕流,也為大鵬灣水域帶來衝擊性的高濃度營養鹽。因此,本研究以長期觀測資料為基礎,在矽營養鹽和磷營養鹽為充足供應的前提假設下,結合潮汐循環與氣象因子來進行氮基礎的生態模擬。
Coastal lagoon is tend to encounter some impact of disturbance especially in rainfall events. During the heavy rain, the nutrients may transport from landside to lagoon by inflow. The abundance of nutrients may caused ecosystem loss of balance.
Dapeng Bay is located in southwestern Taiwan, which is an enclosed shallow coastal lagoon. Recently Dapeng Bay is developing into an international tourist and recreation area by Tourism Bureau, MOTC. In order to study the water quality and ecosystem impact after the develoment projects, we established a high resolution 3-D FEM numerical water dynamical model by using unstructured grids, and the model is not only coupled with biology states variables but also using on case studies. Wet and dry seasons are clear seasonal phenomena in southern Taiwan. Heavy rainfall has significant influence on the salinity of surface water, local effects near the two discharges would bring high concentration of nutrients to the territorial water.Therefore, this study is based on the long term observation data. Assuming silicon and phosphorus nutrients are adequate supply, we added both tidal circulation and meteorological factors to simulated the nitrogen base biology simulation.
The results show that Dapeng Bay is a nutrients excess area. After we calculated the model results of fluxes of phytoplankton carbon and compared the results to eutrophication standard defined by Nixon, we discovered that the water body of Dapeng Bay has already become eutrophic in the early spring, and it even have phenomena of hypertrophication after the heavy rainfall events.
The biological model simulation results are summarized and analyzed that although tidal inlets dredging project and strong wind stress help to improve the water circulation of Dapeng Bay, but the nutrients fluxes of model results show that a large influx of nutrients would still accumulate in Dapeng Bay during the rainfall events.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 諸論 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 近岸潟湖水理的相關研究: 2
1-2-2 近岸河口潟湖的生地化相關研究: 4
1-3 研究目的 6
1-4 研究架構 7
第二章 模式介紹 8
2-1 諸言 8
2-2 水動力模式 10
2-2-1控制方程式 10
2-2-2模式特性 12
2-3生態模式 14
2-3-1浮游藻類 15
2-3-2浮游動物 17
2-3-3含氮碎屑 18
2-3-4氨的循環 19
2-3-5硝酸鹽循環 20
2-3-6氧的循環 21
第三章 模式建置 26
3-1 大鵬灣背景資料蒐集與整理 26
3-1-1 氣象資料整理 28
3-1-2 水文與水質背景 35
3-2 水理模式建置 38
3-2-1 水理模式網格生成與收斂條件 39
3-2-2 水理模式邊界條件 42
3-3 水理模式檢定 43
3-3-1 水位與流速驗證 44
3-4 生態模式設置 52
3-4-1 生態模式收斂測試 53
3-4-2 參數敏感度分析 56
3-4-3 生態模式理想案例測試 64
3-5 情境案例描述 73
3-5-1 情境案例條件限制 73
3-5-2 案例I描述 74
3-5-3 案例II描述 80
第四章 結果與討論 85
4-1 大鵬灣溫鹽模擬結果 85
4-1-1 乾季溫度與鹽度比對 85
4-1-2 濕季溫度與鹽度比對 90
4-2 大鵬灣的流場討論 95
4-3 生態模擬結果 100
4-3-1 乾季生態模擬結果 100
4-3-2 濕季生態模擬結果比對 110
4-4 兩案例的通量計算 119
4-4-1 乾季通量變化 120
4-4-2 濕季通量變化 123
4-5 大鵬灣案例模擬之初級生產力與優養化情況 127
第五章 結論與建議 129
5-1 結論 129
5-2 改善與建議 130
5-3 未來展望 132
參考文獻 133
附錄A 139
附錄A(續) 140
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