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博碩士論文 etd-1020106-143744 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1020106-143744
The Policy Research of Quality Management from Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure in Elderly Care Facilities
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Multiphasic-Environmental Assessment Procedure (MEAP), multiple environmental quality index, elderly care facilities, elderly
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本研究目的在探討多元環境評估量表(Multiphasic-Environmental Assessment Procedure, MEAP)於台灣老人照護機構品質管理應用的可行性,藉由MEAP工具分析高雄市老人照護機構品質,並比較兩大不同類型老人照護機構品質常模現況及其影響因素,由研究之過程及結果進而瞭解MEAP工具在台灣之適用性及文化差異。本研究是首次在台灣建立不同類型老人照護機構MEAP之品質常模結果,研究結果不僅可提供政策管理與評鑑工具發展參考,亦可供跨文化研究及國際間之比較。
八、護理之家的品質指標最佳迴歸模式發現多元環境品質指標間結構與過程指標對結果指標有影響的關係模式,聯合解釋變異量 (R2) 為49.4%。護理之家之結構品質指標(舒適性、安全性)與過程品質指標(自主性與和諧性),是結果品質指標(住民士氣)的顯著預測因子,其中是自主性是負向預測因子。而養護中心住民士氣的唯一顯著預測因子是和諧性。
The objective of this study is to test if the hypothesis of the environmental gerontology theory can be applied to a cross-cultural environment. This study examined the applicability and functionality of the Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure (MEAP), a tool based on the environmental gerontology theory, and assessed the quality of elderly care facilities in Taiwan. Special emphasis was placed in examining the functionality of the MEAP from the cross-cultural standpoint and also in identifying the associations or potential impacting factors of care quality. This is the first study with the application of the MEAP to examine the quality of the two major care facilities in Taiwan. Results of this study provide not only an insight into the characteristics of the elderly care facilities ,and a reference for policy making and regulation, but also valuable data for cross-cultural comparisons.

The study employed the MEAP to achieve the stated objectives and further evaluated the differences in the characteristics of the two major elderly care facilities, namely the nursing homes and assisted-living facilities in Kaohsiung city in Taiwan. This cross-sectional research was conducted with questionnaires by 687 employees (excluding foreign workers) and 429 residents in 35 nursing homes and 41 assisted living facilities in Kaohsiung city were interviewed. Participants were selected from residents who were conscious and without cognitive disorder for face-to-face questionnaire interviews. For facilities with ten or more residents, 50% of the eligible residents were selected for this interview. For facilities having less than ten residents, all those qualified residents were interviewed. Results were analyzed on the basis of institutional units rather than the individual basis.

Results showed that the MEAP effectively evaluated the associations of the multiple environmental factors with the quality of life of the two major elderly care facilities in Kaohsiung city. Standardized multiple quality indexes mode showed that the assisted-living facilities have better overall quality than nursing homes do. The major findings are:
1.The major residents of elderly care facilities in Kaohsiung city were the socioeconomically less privileged residents, including house wifes, the disabled, and widowed. The service most needed was personal care such as bathing.
2.Based on the MEAP, a total of eight significant variables were compared between nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Among these variables, nursing homes were better in staff resource than that of the assisted living facilities. Assisted-living facilities were better in all other seven variables including functional abilities, activities in community, acceptance of problem behavior, physical amenities, social-recreational aids, and orientational aids and staff facilities.
3.The staff members of both nursing homes and assisted living facilities have better SCES than that of their residents.
4.Compared to assisted living facilities, the nursing homes were superior in staff level and staff resources but inferior in comfort, security, and control. No differences were observed in services, autonomy, rapport and morale.
5.The characteristics of organizational management, such as ownership, type and size, were important impacting factors of care quality. The nonprofit-nursing homes were better scored in six of the eight quality indexes than the ones owned by privately-for-profit.
6.Factors that influenced the quality of the nursing homes include number of workers, number of beds, number of residents, ownership, functional abilities, actively level, activities in community, occupancy rate and type of elderly care facility.
7.Factors that influenced the quality of assisted living facilities include occupancy rate, number of residents, number of workers, activity level and type of elderly care facility.
8.The regression model for the outcome of multiple environmental quality indexes with the structure and process indexes is related in nursing homes. The regression model indicates that the model significantly predicted outcome quality index (morale) (R2 = 49.4%). Both structure quality index (comfort and safety) and process quality index (autonomy and rapport) were significant predicting factors of outcome quality index (morale). Autonomy was a negative predicting factor.
9.Standardized multiple environmental quality index indicated that based on the MEAP, assisted living facilities had a little bit higher quality than that of nursing homes in Kaohsiung city.

In conclusion, this study confirmed the hypothesis that the MEAP can be applied effectively to evaluate the quality of elderly care facilities in a cross-cultural environment. However, cultural differences do have an impact on the functionality of the tool. Results of this study indicate that the two major elderly care facilities in Kaohsiung city have relatively similar characteristics, but the assisted living facilities are slightly better in overall quality than that of nursing homes. The major factors that impact the quality of elderly care facilities are the operational characteristics and efficience. Results of this study indicate that the MEAP provides very useful indicators for assessing the quality of elderly care facilities in Taiwan, especially for nursing homes. The MEAP identified more structure and process-related impacting factors than outcome-related impacting factors in this study. Concerning cultural difference, the MEAP could be benefited from some modification in certain measurements, especially in facility atmosphere(SCES), when applied in Taiwan.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 VI

目錄 X
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XIII

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景……………………………………………………. 1
第二節 研究動機與重要性…………………………………………. 5
第三節 研究目的……………………………………………………. 7

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 長期照護服務………………………………………………. 8
第二節 老人照護機構品質…………………………………………. 13
第三節 多元環境品質整合性評估模式與測量……………………. 23

第三章 研究方法與設計
第一節 研究設計與研究架構………………………………………. 31
第二節 研究假設……………………………………………………. 33
第三節 資料收集與研究對象………………………………………. 34
第四節 研究工具及其信效度………………………………………. 36
第五節 研究變項與操作型定義……………………………………. 42
第六節 統計分析方法………………………………………………. 46

第四章 研究結果
第一節 機構、住民、及工作人員特性分析………………………. 53
第二節 多元環境品質五量表測量結果之描述……………………. 71
第三節 多元環境九個品質指標之描述與相關性分析……………. 77
第四節 多元環境品質指標之影響因素……………………………. 87
第五節 多元環境品質指標常模的建立……………………………. 100

第五章 討論與建議
第一節 研究結果與政策管理意涵…………………………………. 105
第二節 MEAP的適用性……………………………………………. 122
第三節 研究結論……………………………………………………. 127
第四節 研究建議……………………………………………………. 130
第五節 研究限制……………………………………………………. 133

中文部分…………………………………………………………… 134
英文部分…………………………………………………………… 141

附錄1 台灣老人照護機構相關政策發展紀要…………………. 145
附錄2 國內專業期刊及碩博士論文針對老人長期照護機構品質之相關研究…………………………………………………………… 148
附錄3 MEAP相關國際研究應用…………………………………. 201
附錄4 研究問卷
政策及服務計畫中文量表(POLIF)……………………………… 216
硬體及建築環境特性中文量表(PAF)…………………………… 226
設施氣氛(住民)……………………………………………… 236
士氣量表(住民)………………………………………………… 238
設施氣氛(工作人員)……………….………………………… 240
附錄5 MEAP量表各變項之操作型定義及得分計算公式…………243
附錄6 多元環境品質指標常模表…………………………………262
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