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博碩士論文 etd-1021110-203132 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1021110-203132
A Coalitional Game Analysis for Selfish Packet-Forwarding Networks
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packet-forwarding network, selfish, cohesive behavior, coalitional game
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在無線封包轉送網路中,節點或用戶總是自然而然且自私的欲使他們的利益達到最大化。然而自私的用戶不想幫助他人做封包轉送的動作,將導致網路的整體效能嚴重下降。為了解決此封包轉送問題,我們在基於正交解碼前送(Orthogonal Decode-and-Forward, ODF)的概念之下提出了一個新的聯盟賽局方法來鼓勵自私的用戶去進行合作。在此篇論文的賽局分析中,我們徹底地研究了此賽局的聯盟的特性與穩定度。更進一步的,我們藉由中斷機率的觀點證實了此賽局的凝聚性的確是有可能存在的。從模擬結果中我們可明顯的看出,此論文所提出的正交解碼前送聯盟賽局確實能促進合作,且相對於用戶而言採取團隊合作總是會帶來好處。
In wireless packet-forwarding networks, the nodes or users are always selfish to maximize their utilities in nature. Selfish users would not like to help others for forward each others’ packets, which will cause the network performance degrades severely. To solve the packet-forwarding problem, we propose a novel coalitional game approach based orthogonal decode-and-forward (ODF) relaying scheme to encourage the selfish users for cooperation. In the game-theoretic analysis, we study the properties and stability of the coalitions thoroughly. Furthermore, we prove that the cohesive behavior can be obtained by the aspect of outage probability indeed in this game. Simulation results show that the proposed ODF coalitional game can enforce cooperation exactly and it is always beneficial to form the cooperative groups for all users.
目次 Table of Contents
口試委員會審定書...…………………………………………….…………………... #
致謝 ...…………………………………………….…………………………………... I
中文摘要 ...…………………………………………….………...…………………... II
Abstract ....…………………………………………….………...…………………... III
Contents ...…………………………………………….………...…………………... IV
List of Figures ...…………...………………………….………...…………………... VI
1 Introduction ...…………...………….………….………...……………...……... 1
2 Coalitional Game ..…………...………….………….…...……………...……... 3
2.1 Canonical Coalitional Games ……………...………….……….………... 4
2.1.1 Cohesive Behavior of the Grand Coalition …….……….………... 6
2.1.2 Solution Concepts of Coalitional Games …….……….……...…... 7
2.2 Coalition Formation Games ……………...………….……….………...... 8
3 System Model …………....……..…….………….……...……………...…...... 10
4 A Game-Theoretic Analysis of User Cooperation…….……………...…...... 13
4.1 Review of the Traditional ODF Coalitional Game ...………….……...... 13
4.2 Proposed ODF Coalitional Game ..…….……………..……….……...... 15
4.2.1 Game Formulation …….……….…………..…............................ 15
4.2.2 Game Analysis…….……….…………..….................................. 17 Existence of the Cohesive Behavior .…………..…........... 17 Stability of the Grand Coalition .……….…..…................ 19 Coalition Formation .…………..……............................... 22
5 Simulation Results ….……………...…………................................................ 23
6 Conclusions ….……………...…………........................................................... 31
Appendix ………..…….............................................................................................. 32
References ………..……............................................................................................ 34
Abbreviations ………..……....................................................................................... 39
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