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博碩士論文 etd-1110116-021728 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1110116-021728
Healing cute friends-The healing effect of cute elements
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attention restoration theory, product design, cute, healing
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基於可愛相關研究、注意力恢復理論、唯樂主義、享樂性/效用性消費、圖像基模等概念,本研究採實驗設計法,以兩個實驗驗證八個假說。實驗一採取3(產品添加可愛元素:嬰兒可愛 vs. 古怪可愛 vs. 無添加) x2(產品類型:享樂型 vs. 功能型)的二因子受測者間實驗設計;實驗二採取3(產品添加可愛元素:嬰兒可愛 vs. 古怪可愛 vs. 無添加) x3(呈現視角:俯視 vs. 平視 vs. 仰視)的二因子受測者間實驗設計。
Because of healing power, many companies frequently promote products with cute elements to catch students and office workers’ attention and increase product sales. In previous research, the relative effective of different cute style is rarely discussed. Also, whether cuteness does evoke healing feeling is rarely proofed. Therefore, this study focuses on the effects of cute elements, trying to prove the cause of healing feeling and examine the healing effect on product attitude and purchase intention. Further, cuteness is classified into two types to compare the healing effects of different cute type. One is baby cuteness which increases caretaking behavior and has positive characteristics, such as Winnie the Pooh and Kanahei. The other is whimsical cuteness which is funny and has negative characteristics, such as Jake and Usavich. Moreover, this study analyzes the possible moderation of product type and the camera angle of cute animators pictured on the product.
Based on cute research, attention restoration theory, hedonic contingency theory, hedonic or utilitarian consumption and schema theory, this research used two experiment methods to test 8 hypotheses. Experiment 1 was conducted with a 3(product with cute elements: baby cuteness vs. whimsical cuteness vs. not cute) x2(product type: hedonic vs. utilitarian) between-subjects design. Experiment 2 was conducted with a 3(product with cute elements: baby cuteness vs. whimsical cuteness vs. not cute) x2(camera angle: downward vs. eye-level vs. upward) between-subjects design.
The analytical results indicate that: (1) A product with cute elements, especial baby cuteness, would raise the degree of healing feeling and trigger better product attitude and purchase intention. (2) Utilitarian goods strengthen the positive healing effect of cute elements (vs. not cute) and hedonic goods strengthen the positive healing effect of baby cuteness (vs. whimsical cuteness). (3) Showing the cute animators with downward camera angle weakens the positive healing effect of cute elements (vs. not cute), but strengthens the positive healing effect of baby cuteness (vs. whimsical cuteness).
The results of this research add the understanding of the relationship between cuteness and healing feeling. Moreover, the findings define the types of cuteness more clearly and clarify the difference in healing effects between two cute styles. In theoretical contributions, this research not only replenishes the research about cute elements in product type, schema theory, and attention restoration theory but also explains the cause of healing feeling. For practitioners, the research results provide practical suggestions on how to design products by combining cute elements to generate better effects.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 viii

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究問題 5
第四節 研究目的 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 療癒系與療癒商品 7
第二節 可愛與相關研究 16
第三節 注意力恢復理論(Attention Restoration Theory,ART) 28
第四節 產品類型 34
第五節 圖像基模理論 36
第三章 研究架構與假說推論 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 假說推論 39
第四章 實驗一 48
第一節 研究方法 48
第二節 前測一 49
第三節 前測二 57
第四節 實驗一研究設計 64
第五節 分析結果 67
第六節 討論 112
第五章 實驗二 118
第一節 研究方法 118
第二節 前測三 119
第三節 前測四 120
第四節 前測五 125
第五節 實驗二研究設計 128
第六節 分析結果 129
第七節 討論 170
第六章 結論與建議 176
第一節 研究發現與討論 176
第二節 理論意涵 181
第三節 實務意涵 186
第四節 研究限制 189
第五節 未來研究方向 191
參考文獻 194
附錄一、 前測一問卷 208
附錄二、 前測一實驗刺激 214
附錄三、 前測二問卷 216
附錄四、 前測二實驗刺激 222
附錄五、 實驗一問卷 223
附錄六、 實驗一實驗刺激 231
附錄七、 前測三問卷 233
附錄八、 前測三實驗刺激 236
附錄九、 前測四問卷 237
附錄十、 前測四實驗刺激 240
附錄十一、 前測五問卷 242
附錄十二、 前測五實驗刺激 245
附錄十三、 正式實驗二問卷 246
附錄十四、 正式實驗二實驗刺激 255
附錄十五、 色彩表 258
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