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A study of the PNTR policy made by the U.S. to China: A View on the theory of two-level games and the participation of politics by MNCs
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foreign policy decision-making, MNCs, PNTR, win-wet, two-level games
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一般而言,無條件相互給予最惠國待遇或永久正常貿易關係地位的行為,在國際多邊貿易組織中,已被視為是國際貿易的基本原則,然而美國貿易法《賈克森—凡尼克修正案(Jackson-Vanik Amendment)》對於非市場經濟國家如中國的年度審議,卻明顯違反互惠無歧視的國際貿易原則,尤其在美國政府與中國於1999年達成中國入會的雙邊協定後,基於美中經貿整體利益,並為避免國內法與國際規範牴觸的衡量下,給予中國PNTR的立法便應運而生。
不過,由於該法案具有中止向中國進行年度審查的重要意義,因而使得國內選民的立場出現極大反差,導致國會針對給予中國PNTR的立法產生嚴重僵局。簡單來說,美國給予中國PNTR的立法背景,充斥著美中兩國之間、美國政府與國會之間,以及美國國內利益團體之間,不同層次的利益衝擊。若依據Robert D. Putnam於雙層賽局理論(two-level games theory)的基本概念,則可發現美國政府一方面迫於國際環境壓力而有PNTR政策的外交考量,一方面又得面對國內層面因國會、利益團體與選民意見分歧所引發的立法障礙。然而即便如此,給予中國PNTR的政策終究還是獲得成功,這其中除了美國政府尋求國內認可的策略操作外,跨國公司的政治參與亦發揮了重要作用。
Generally speaking, in an international multilateral trade organization, the behavior to give mutually and unconditionally the most-favored nation treatment or the permanent normal trade relation is deemed as a fundamental principle. However in the case of Jackson-Vanik Amendment violated evidently the mutually favored non-discrimination international commerce principle in the non-market economy countries such as China on the yearly deliberation; especially when the American Government and China reached the bilateral agreement allowing China to join the committee in 1999; based upon the whole entity benefits of economy and commerce for both America and China and also to avoid the conflicts between the domestic law and the international standard, the legislation giving China PNTR was thus produced.

However, because the legal Act was of important significance to discontinue the yearly deliberation on China, thus the standpoint of domestic civilian voters appeared big contrast which led to a serious legislation deadlock. Briefly speaking, the legislation background of America giving China PNTR is filled with various stages of benefit conflicts between America and China, American Government and the Congress, and the American domestic beneficial groups. According to the concept of Two-Level Games Theory by Robert D. Putnam, we could find that American government on one hand was forced by the pressure of international environment to have the diplomatic measurement of PNTR, and on the other hand it also needed to face the legislation obstacle which is produced by the congress, beneficial groups and the civilian voters. Nevertheless, the policy of giving PNTR to China is finally successful, among these except for the policy manipulation to seek for the domestic approval, the participation of transnational corporations also functions importantly.

Based upon these, this study takes the point of view to integrate both the Two-Level Games structure and the political participation of transnational corporations to analyze the inside and outside influencing factors during the process of PNTR, and further explain what’s the possible international and domestic limits to face with when America gives non-market economy nations PNTR under two-way interactions of both international diplomacy and domestic politics. Furthermore if limits exist, how is the PNTR policy finally settled by the influence of transnational corporations? Try to further provide a relative study from another angle to have a dynamic analysis path for the American economy and commerce diplomatic policy.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 名詞解釋 7
第四節 文獻回顧 10
第五節 研究架構 20
第六節 研究方法 21
第七節 研究範圍與限制 22
第二章 理論基礎 25
第一節 層次分析途徑中的雙層賽局理論 25
第二節 國際政治經濟學視角下的跨國公司 47
第三章 美國予中國PNTR決策之國際層面分析 72
第一節 經濟全球化與相互依賴 72
第二節 中國入會與WTO原則 87
第三節 亞太區域政治經濟結構之變動 95
第四章 美國予中國PNTR決策之國內層面分析 104
第一節 國內政治制度與結構 104
第二節 國內選民的利益取向與結構 111
第三節 美國政府操作勝利集合規模之策略 119
第五章 跨國公司於美中PNTR決策過程之角色探究 126
第一節 綜合國力競爭下的國家與跨國公司 126
第二節 跨國公司與一國之外交決策:PNTR決策中的跨國公司 139
第六章 結論 155
參考文獻 160
參考文獻 References
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