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博碩士論文 etd-1126113-134359 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1126113-134359
Study on Habitat and Impacts Management of the Mangroves in Northern Kaohsiung
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
cooling-water, impact, aquaculture, mangrove, habitat
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關鍵字: 紅樹林、生育地、衝擊、水產養殖、冷卻水
Mangroves plays important roles on sustaining ecological systems and providing environmental protection from human societies. Various land-use changes in coastal areas are related to the changes of the mangrove ecosystem. To monitor the impacts from the changes. Northern Kaohsiung is one of the most important aquaculture areas. For a long time over sixty years development on the aquaculture, the mangroves and aquaculture have existed as a special cultural and ecological landscape. Using a case study approach with questionnaires, in-depth interviews, direct observation to investigate the status of mangrove growth and the mangrove habitat change historically in the study. We also analysed the sources of impacts to understand the causes of local mangrove diminishing, and assessing which impact will continue to increase.
The results have revealed that after filling and exploitation the coastal areas, the distribution of the Northern Kaohsiung mangroves has changed after Japanese-occupied period. The potential mangrove habitat changed from lagoon shore and claybank into five habitats categories, i.e., a big gutter, common ditch, pond ditch, salt pan wetland and unirrigated farmland. The habitat size changed from small and coherent into large and broken. The aquaculture methods changed over the last 30 years and the cooling-water from natural gas processing factories has been applied on the aquaculture recently, which have caused the mangroves in pond ditch habitat unresisting. At last, this study will divided the sources of impacts into two categories: water sources and non-water sources, then discussed trends of changes of impacts.

Keywords: mangrove, habitat, impact, aquaculture, cooling-water
目次 Table of Contents
國立中山大學研究生學位論文審定書 i
謝誌 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
表目次 vii
圖目次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 章節介紹 4
第二章 北高雄地區養殖產業與紅樹林的關係 5
2.1 北高雄的紅樹林 5
2.2 紅樹林生態所受之衝擊 17
2.3 養殖產業對紅樹林的影響 19
2.3.1 全球養殖業的擴張對紅樹林造成的威脅 20
2.3.2 北高雄養殖產業的變遷 22
2.4 紅樹林的保育 24
2.4.1 台灣過去的紅樹林保育策略 25
2.4.2 紅樹林的復育 27
2.5 小結 30
第三章 研究方法與材料 32
3.1 質性研究 32
3.2 研究流程與方法 40
3.3 地理範圍 44
第四章 北高雄地區紅樹林的生長與衝擊 48
4.1 高雄市海岸紅樹林潛在生育地的變遷 48
4.2 北高雄紅樹林現況 52
4.3 北高雄紅樹林的衝擊來源 59
4.3.1 來自非水因子的衝擊 59
4.3.2 來自水因子的衝擊 65
4.4 養殖戶對紅樹林的觀感 68
第五章 北高雄養殖方式變化對紅樹林的影響 73
5.1 永安區養殖之冷卻水的使用 73
5.2 養殖趨勢與紅樹林的衝擊 77
第六章 結論與討論 80
6.1 主要結論 80
6.2 討論 82
6.2.1 未來可研究之重要問題 82
6.2.2 未來應優先解決之問題 83
6.3 政府可參考執行的建議 83
參考文獻 85
附錄一 問卷 A-1
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