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Establishing the Conceptualization of Humility on Chinese-Western Viewpoint, and Examining the Moderating Effect of Humility on Authority, Trust and Compliance
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humility, leadership, authority, trust, compliance
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過去謙讓在領導學界並不引起注目,但近年來已受到重視,特別是Collins等 人研究發現卓越領導與謙讓特質有關。Owens & Hekman(2012)發表在AMJ 指 出,領導者謙讓會使跟隨者仿塑,進而產生正面的組織行為與結果。目前至關重 要的問題是,學術界並不完全瞭解謙讓概念是什麼,對謙讓的定義、時機與功能 也看法不一,也不清楚什麼因素會影響謙讓的作用?謙讓能引導出什麼行為或效 能?什麼因素調節這些行為或效能?謙讓概念難以釐清的主因有二,一是現有謙讓的文獻缺乏質性或量化的證據來支持作者的想法;另一是謙讓具深層的境界與意涵。然而,這些議題中、西方仍未深入探討。因此,本研究融合中、西方觀點,提出謙讓定義與構面,探究謙讓之程度、時機、原則、境界等內涵;最後進行謙讓在領導文獻上少有的實證分析;比較職權與信任對順服之影響,並驗證謙讓對職權與順服,以及謙讓對信任三元素與順服間之調節作用。本研究以台灣企業組織的員工為研究對象,採問卷調查方式,蒐集33 組主管與部屬的對偶樣本,包括187 份部屬問卷。使用敘述統計、相關分析、迴歸分析
等方法,驗證變數間之主要效果與調節效果。本研究發展的謙讓量表具有不錯的信效度,可作為研究謙讓的測量工具。結果顯示:(1) 職權與信任對順服皆具正向關聯性,其中,信任比職權對順服的影響還大;此外,在信任的三元素中,(2)謙讓對能力與順服間之關係,具有調節效果,即謙讓越高時,能力與順服間之正向關係也越高。然而,主管低能力時,低謙讓對順服的影響比高謙讓還高;(3) 謙讓對正直與部屬順服間之關係,達到邊際顯著的調節效果,即高謙讓對正直所引發部屬順服的正向關係,比低謙讓還強;(4) 謙讓對職權與部屬順服間的調節作用,不具預測效果;(5) 謙讓對善意與順服之間關係,亦不具調節效果。另外,探討謙讓與預測變項間三元交互作用之結果顯示:(6) 謙讓、職權與正直之交互作用,對部屬順服具有預測效果;(7) 謙讓、職權與善意之交互作用,對部屬順服具有預測效果。其中,謙讓與正直是領導者得以服人的特質,且彼此能相得益彰。最後,提出結論、建議與未來研究方向,期能作為研究領導謙讓之參考。
Whether the virtue of humility has a great influence on today’s leadership? For the issues, one study had found that leaders are able to transform their enterprises either from mediocre or those full of crisis to great companies. Collins et al. believed what made the differences depend on the leaders’ personal humility and professional will. The result was out of everyone’s expectation, including Collins et al., because it was generally believed that an outstanding leadership won't be relevant with humility. Published in AMJ, the study of Owens & Hekman (2012) uncovered that leader humility involved leaders modeling to followers how to grow and produced positive organizational outcomes by leading followers to believe that their own developmental journeys and feelings of uncertainty were legitimate in the workplace.
Although a growing number of leadership writers argue that leader humility is important to organizational effectiveness, little is known about the construct, what it produces, and what influences its effectiveness, what these behaviors lead to, or what factors moderate the effectiveness of these behaviors. Above all, the key point is exactly what the “conceptualization of the humility” is. The lack of clarity about leader humility is due to the fact that the existing evidence (qualitative or quantitative) supporting writers’ ideas regarding leader humility. In addition, the humility has further implications. This study integrates the viewpoint of Chinese and Western on humility, and then probes into the real implications of humility, and established the definitions, constructs and scale of humility; further explorations of the important issues on the level, timing, and principle of the humility are rarely suggested in literatures.
The results suggest that reliability and validity of this scale are adequate. Analysis of survey data is from 33 dyads samples of the supervisor-subordinates and 187 subordinates of various companies in Taiwan’s organizations. The study found that: (1) authority and trust have a positive influence on compliance; the influence of authority is stronger than that of trust; (2) humility significantly moderates the relation between ability and compliance, such that the relation is more strongly positive at high levels of humility than that at low levels of humility, while the compliance of low humility is higher than high humility at low levels of ability; (3) humility has marginally significant moderating relation between integrity and compliance, such that the relation is more strongly positive at high levels of humility than that at low levels of humility; However, (4) humility does not significantly moderate the relation between authority and compliance; (5) humility does not significantly moderate the relationship between benevolence and compliance, either; (6) the interaction of humility, authority and integrity is significant on compliance; (7) the interaction of humility, authority and benevolence is also significant on compliance. Humility and integrity can lead to get compliance and then get better to each other. Finally, it is hoped that this study’s conclusions, suggestions and findings would serve as a future reference for humility in leadership research.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 …………………………………………………………………… i
英文摘要 …………………………………………………………………… ii
第 一 章 緒言………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的………………………………………………………4
第 二 章 文獻探討……………………………………………5
第一節 西方對謙讓的觀點……………………………………………5
第二節 我國傳統文化的謙讓內涵……………………………………9
第三節 本研究綜合看法………………………………………………18
第四節 謙讓的程度、時機與原則……………………………………33
第五節 領導與謙讓……………………………………………………51
第六節 研究變項與假說推導…………………………………………64
第 三 章 研究方法………………………………………77
第一節 研究程序與方法………………………………………………77
第二節 測量變項………………………………………………………79
第三節 資料分析………………………………………………………82
第 四 章 結果與討論………………………………………91
第一節 變項間之關係…………………………………………………91
第二節 假說驗證………………………………………………………92
第三節 討論……………………………………………………………97
第 五 章 結論與建議………………………………………109
第一節 研究結論…………………………………………………………109
第二節 研究貢獻…………………………………………………………118
第三節 建議………………………………………………………………120
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向………………………………………124
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………………126
附錄 ……………………………………………………………………………136
參考文獻 References
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