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博碩士論文 etd-1205106-163554 詳細資訊
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The study of knowledge sharing and transfer based on knowledge network and co-opetition theory
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Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Network, Knowledge Sharing, Co-opetition, Game Theory
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面對高度競爭的全球性環境,高科技公司以高素質的人力資本之競爭優勢而稱著,尤其是專精的技術知識與創新。技術知識的獲取與創造,可被視為增強中小企業經營與創新能力的利器。因此,知識管理對企業的經營績效與創新能力扮演相當重要的角色。 但是實施知識管理時,知識的移轉與分享卻是最難的問題。當企業獲知組織內部缺乏某種知識,如何尋找組織外部知識的來源順利移轉進來?在實現知識分享的過程中,企業也常忽略組織內也需要知識市場的交易機制與人性的考量,因而碰到挫折。
本研究從網絡、賽局理論、競合理論等觀點,試圖建構一整體性的知識分享與移轉管理模式,來解決員工兩難和與搭便車者行為等知識分享與移轉上的問題。本研究使用知識網絡來移轉與吸收組織外部的知識,並運用賽局與競合理論來探討組織內部知識分享的類型。本研究首先使用專家訪談法來了解台灣中小企業在知識移轉與分享的現況與做法, 然後根據文獻與訪談結果來建立問卷,以實際調查台灣中小企業在知識的分享與移轉機制的做法。
The acquisition and creation of technological knowledge could be treated as a means to strengthen the innovative capabilities of SMEs. Knowledge management, therefore, plays an important role in company’s performance and innovation. But knowledge transfer and sharing are the most difficult issues when implementing knowledge management. Many companies often encounter setbacks due to neglecting human nature and knowledge trading mechanism within organizations while implementing knowledge sharing.
This paper is aimed to propose an integrated knowledge sharing and transfer model by applying network embeddedness, game theory, co-opetition and agent contest to solve the employee’s dilemma and free-rider behavioral problems. This paper exploits the knowledge network to transfer knowledge across organizations, and discusses game theory in depth for knowledge sharing within organization.
Based on knowledge sharing mechanism, we categorize high-tech firms into four types of knowledge sharing such as job guarantee, individual performance, team performance, and team learning. Empirical results showed that the type of team learning firm with agent contest and reward systems designed for both team and individual could build a co-opetitive knowledge-sharing environment. Based on knowledge transfer mechanism, the results show that IT, organizational culture, reward system and governmental policies have positive effects on enhancing knowledge network linkages. Steady and robust network linkages can benefit knowledge transfer and learning. The major sources of obtaining external knowledge are frorm academic research and international knowledge network for Taiwanese SMES. This paper suggest that overemphasize on domestic network and ignore the academic research and international networks may impede SMEs to acquire heterogeneous knowledge and innovation. The reward system and governmental policies have positive effects on corporate innovation. High levels of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer capabilities are the major factors of improving innovation and organizational performance.
目次 Table of Contents
國立中山大學研究生學位論文審定書 i
博碩士論文授權書 ii
論文提要 iii
摘 要 iv
Abstract v
誌謝詞 vi
目 錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 知識分享與知識移轉 6
第二節 組織學習與創新 18
第三節 網絡鑲嵌與知識網絡 25
第四節 賽局理論 31
第五節 競合理論 38
第三章 研究設計 43
第一節 研究架構 43
第二節 研究方法 45
第三節 研究對象 48
第四章 知識移轉與知識分享模式之建置 49
第一節 企業內知識分享模式的建置 49
第二節 企業間知識移轉模式的建置 57
第五章 知識移轉與分享模式建置之實證與結果分析 63
第一節 企業訪談資料分析 63
第二節 問卷回收結果與基本資料分析 67
第三節 企業內知識分享機制之實證分析 73
第四節 企業間知識移轉機制之實證分析 79
第五節 企業內知識分享與企業外知識移轉之整合性管理模式 90
第六章 結論與建議 94
第一節 結論 94
第二節 管理意涵與建議 98
第三節 對後續研究之建議 101
參考文獻 102
附錄一 訪談問卷大綱 112
附錄二 調查問卷 113
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