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Title page for etd-1211100-103627
The Relationship among Work-Family Conflict, Job Burnout, and Turnover Intention of Female Professionals in High-Tech Companies
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female professional., work-family conflict, turnover intention, job burnout, social support, high-tech company
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研究生:崔來意(Lai-I Tsuei) 指導教授:溫金豐(Jin Feng Uen)



The Relationship among Work-Family Conflict, Job Burnout, and Turnover Intention of Female Professionals in High-Tech Companies


Last ten and more years , high-tech industries grow prosperous in Taiwan. There are lots of professionals entering to the high-tech industries. Though the environment of high-tech industry is better than traditional industry-- the better payment and the better future vision, it is also the place which makes the job pressure, stress, and burnout. The job burnout, coming from the long-term stress, brings to individual the embarrassment in his life, family, and career development. The stress management in professional job becomes the future issue to those managers in high-tech industry.

Today, the structure of global human resource has changed, large of educated women join the labor market, they are playing multiple roles. In the limitation of time and energy, it’s easy to make the inter-role conflict during she hopes to play each role perfectly. Evidence is increasing that work-family conflict negatively influences individual’s physical and psychological aspects. Under the high-tech industry speedy innovation and intense competition, employee’s work-family conflict and the work stress are more catching the attention. Though female professionals are the developing resource in the labor market, they are also the crowd tending to work-family conflict. If the female professionals are always in the condition of stress and no proper way to diminish it, eventually, they will be burnout and withdraw from the working place. It will be big loss not only to individuals but also to the companies.

This study examined the relationship among burnout, perceived Job stress, and turnover intention using 165 female professionals from the companies in Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, in particular, whether job burnout played a mediating role and social support played a moderating role in the stress-burnout process .

The results indicated that :
1. Among the three components of work-family conflict, work interfering family was in high degree. And among the stressors, family involvement, and kids pressure were in high degree.
2. Among the three components of burnout, the exhaustion phenomenon was in high degree.
3. Work-family conflict was positively significant to job burnout.
4. A significant positive correlation was identified between job burnout and turnover intention. The exhaustion and cynicism components of burnout were positively significant predictors of turnover intention.
5. Job burnout was found to have significant mediating effect between work-family conflict and turnover intention.
6. Boss support, one of the social support components, was negatively associated with job burnout and turnover intention. In the moderating effect, most social support in higher-grades groups influenced work-family conflict and job burnout, and job burnout and turnover intention more significantly than lower-grades groups.

Key words: work-family conflict, job burnout, turnover intention, social support, high-tech company, female professional.

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄 頁次
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………….………. .1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………….…...3
第三節 研究流程…………………………………………….…...5

第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………….…..6
第一節 工作倦怠 ………………………………………….…...6
第二節 角色壓力…………………………………………….….13
第三節 離職意願……………………………………………..…21
第四節 社會支持………………………………………………..24

第三章 研究方法………………………………………………….28
第一節 本研究之觀念性架構……………….………………….28
第二節 研究變項的操作性定義與衡量………………………..29
第三節 研究架構及研究假設…………………………………..41
第四節 資料蒐集方法與樣本特性分析………………………..43
第五節 資料處理與分析方法…………………………………..46
第六節 研究限制………………………………………………..47

第四章 實證分析與討論………………………………………….48
第一節 各研究變項之特性分析…………………….…..……...48
第二節 各研究變項間相關性分析……………………………..64
第三節 各相關變項之影響性分析與探討…..…………………68
第四節 工作倦怠之中介效果分析與探討……………………..73
第五節 社會支持之干擾效果分析與探討……………………..74

第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………….88
第一節 結論……………………………………………………..88
第二節 建議……………………………………………………..94


附錄 研究問卷…………………………………………………….106

表 目 錄 頁次

表2-2-1 工作-家庭衝突的相關定義彙總表…………………………………….14
表2-4-1 社會支持的相關定義彙總表 ……………………………………24
表2-4-2 社會支持的分類彙總表………………………………………………..25
表3-2-1 工作壓力源量表之信度係數…………………………………………..33
表3-2-2 工作投入量表之信度係數……………………………………………..34
表3-2-3 家庭壓力源量表之信度係數…………………………………………..35
表3-2-4 家庭投入量表之信度係數……………………………………………..36
表3-2-5 工作-家庭衝突量表之信度係數……………………………………….37
表3-2-6 工作倦怠量表之信度係數……………………………………………..38
表3-2-7 離職意願量表之信度係數……………………………………………..39
表3-2-8 社會支持量表之信度係數……………………………………………..40
表3-4-1 樣本基本特性分析表…………………………………………………..45
表4-1-1 各研究變項之描述性統計分析表……………………………………..50
表4-1-2 個人特徵在工作壓力源上之差異分析………………………………..52
表4-1-3 個人特徵在工作投入及家庭投入上之差異分析……………………..54
表4-1-4 個人特徵在家庭壓力源上之差異分析………………………………..56
表4-1-5 個人特徵在工作-家庭衝突上之差異分析…………………………….57
表4-1-6 個人特徵在工作倦怠上之差異分析…………………………………..58
表4-1-7 個人特徵在離職意願及社會支持上之差異分析……………………..60
表4-2-1 各研究變項相關性分析………………………………………………..65
表4-3-1 角色壓力源對工作-家庭衝突的影響………………………………….69
表4-3-2 工作-家庭衝突對工作倦怠及工作倦怠對離職意願的影響………….71
表4-4-1 離職意願對工作-家庭衝突及工作倦怠之層級迴歸分析比較……….73
表4-5-1 工作干擾家庭與社會支持之層級迴歸分析…………………………..76
表4-5-2 家庭干擾工作與社會支持之層級迴歸分析…………………………..79
表4-5-3 工作家庭相互干擾與社會支持之層級迴歸分析……………………..81
表4-5-4 情緒耗竭與社會支持之層級迴歸分析………………………………..83
表4-5-5 譏誚態度與社會支持之層級迴歸分析………………………………..84
表4-5-6 專業效能與社會支持之層級迴歸分析………………………………..86
表5-1-1 角色壓力源與工作-家庭衝突的關係驗證表………………………….88
表5-1-2 角色壓力源對工作-家庭衝突影響之驗證表………………………….89
表5-1-3 工作-家庭衝突與工作倦怠關係之驗證表…………………………….90
表5-1-4 工作倦怠與離職意願關係之驗證表…………………………………..91
表5-1-5 社會支持與工作-家庭衝突、工作倦怠關係之驗證表……………….92
表5-1-6 社會支持與離職意願關係之驗證表…………………………………..93
圖 目 錄 頁次

圖1-3-1 研究流程圖……………………………………………………………....5
圖2-1-1 工作倦怠歷程的模型………….…………………….…………………..8
圖2-1-2 倦怠的結構模型……………………………………………………….. 11
圖2-2-1 角色間衝突模型……………………………………………………….. 15
圖2-2-2 工作-家庭衝突模型….………………………………………………… 15
圖2-2-3 工作-家庭(work-family interface)模型………………………….……… 16
圖2-4-1 社會支持對工作壓力及身心健康的效果……………………………...26
圖3-1-1 本研究之觀念性架構………………………………………………….. 28
圖3-3-1 本研究之研究架構…………………………………………………….. 41
圖4-5-1 工作干擾家庭與家人支持的交互作用對情緒耗竭之影響………….. 77
圖4-5-2 工作干擾家庭與家人支持的交互作用對專業效能之影響………….. 77
圖4-5-3 工作干擾家庭與上司支持的交互作用對專業效能之影響………….. 77
圖4-5-4 工作干擾家庭與朋友支持的交互作用對情緒耗竭之影響………….. 78
圖4-5-5 工作干擾家庭與朋友支持的交互作用對譏誚態度之影響………….. 78
圖4-5-6 工作家庭相互干擾與家人支持的交互作用對情緒耗竭之影響…….. 82
圖4-5-7 工作家庭相互干擾與上司支持的交互作用對專業效能之影響…….. 82
圖4-5-8 工作家庭相互干擾與同事支持的交互作用對情緒耗竭之影響…….. 82
圖4-5-9 譏誚態度與上司支持的交互作用對離職意願之影響………………...85
圖4-5-10 專業效能與家人支持的交互作用對離職意願之影響………………...87
圖4-5-11 專業效能與上司支持的交互作用對離職意願之影響………………...87

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