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博碩士論文 etd-1212111-135934 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1212111-135934
Environmental and Biogeochemical Changes in the Dapeng Bay over the Last Decade : Influence of Human Activities.
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biogeochemical processes, Dapeng Bay, nutrients, water exchange time, fluxes
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大鵬灣水體第一階段之年平均滯留時間為10.0天;第二及第三階段之年平均滯留時間各為6.2天及8.3天,變化趨勢與海水日交換量變化相似,從變異數分析方法來看第二及第三階段並無顯著差異。三個階段採樣時期,顯示出大鵬灣之Chl. a主要受到溫度及平均日輻射量的影響,而非受限於營養鹽含量之控制,其中第三階段Chl. a與DIN及DIP之變化趨勢顯得較為相似,但只有在秋季時才有較顯著的正相關。大鵬灣幾乎全年為有機碳生成(p-r>0),三個階段皆為自營性系統。蚵架拆除前年平均之ΔDICo為-5.64 mole C m-2 yr-1;蚵架拆除後年平均之ΔDICo為-11.64 mole C m-2 yr-1;底泥浚渫工程期間年平均之ΔDICo為-14.31 mole C m-2 yr-1,淨生產力在蚵架拆除後增加了106.38%,之後又經過了水質整治,淨生產力則又增加了22.94%,可見整治改善了環境狀況,對於淨生產力有明顯的影響。
營養鹽(DIN、DSi、DIP)濃度經過了蚵架的移除而顯著降低;顆粒態有機碳、氮濃度與溶解態有機碳、氮兩者濃度,在蚵架拆除後皆顯著增加。其中溶解態有機碳、氮、磷,在第三階段由於Chl. a濃度降低和水質整治之關係,於第三階段濃度呈現顯著下降現象。從營養鹽比值來看,大鵬灣第一階段為一磷過剩之生態系統(Si/N=1.8±1.2及N/P=7.4±5.2),第三階段(Si/N=1.0±1.2及N/P=22.2±18.7)顯示生態系統由磷過剩系統轉變為磷限制之生態系統。從顆粒有機物比值來看,POC/PN(三階段分別為7.7±1.1、8.0±1.0及6.5±1.3)逐漸趨近於Redfield ratio C/N = 6.6,顯示經由水質整治,陸源有機物來源影響逐漸減少而當地生物源之影響逐漸顯著。從時間及空間來看,DO的時間差異性大於空間差異性,營養鹽(DIN、DSi、DIP)、DOC及POC的時間差異性顯著,而空間差異性則是第一階段到第三階段差異性逐漸降低。

Before January 2003, the Dapeng Bay lagoon was occupied by oyster culture racks and fish farming cages. Along with the development of the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Administration, the government has started taking actions on removing oyster culture racks, and has kept improving the quality of lagoon water. Nowadays, the government is implementing sediment dredging plan. As to discuss the change of biogeochemical processes, this study is divided by three parts, including the first stage, before the removal of oyster culture rafts; second stage, after the removal of oyster culture rafts, and the third stage, after implementation of sediment dredging.
At the first stage, the annual mean of water exchange time at the Dapeng Bay was approximately 10 days. At the second and third stage, the annual mean of water exchange time were 6.2 days and 8.3 days, respectively. The difference is not significant between the second stage and third stage. The trend of water exchange time is similar to the seawater exchange rate. Distributions of chlorophyll a were controlled by temperature and solar radiation, rather than by nutrient concentration throughout three-stage periods. Although the change tendency between chlorophyll a, DIN, and DIP at the third stage is similar, chlorophyll a correlated positively with DIN and DIP only in fall. The net ecosystem production (NEP) was positive (p-r > 0) at all three stages, so the Dapeng Bay was always an autotrophic system throughout the study period. Before the removal of the oyster culture racks, the NEP was 5.64 mole C m-2 yr-1, after that, it increase to 11.64 mole C m-2 yr-1. During the sediment dredging period, the NEP was 14.31 mole C m-2 yr-1. The NEP increases 106 % from the first stage to the second stage, and increases 23% from the second stage to the third stage. The environmental remediation appears to produce significant influence on NEP.
The concentration of DIN、DSi、DIP decreases by removing the oyster culture of racks. But the concentrations of particulate and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen increase sharply after removing the oyster culture racks. Nevertheless, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen and the phosphorus decreases during the third stage, resulted mainly from the improvement of water quality. The system changed from the condition of phosphorus surplus (Si/N=1.8±1.2 and N/P=7.4±5.2) during the first and second stage to the condition of phosphorus limitation (Si/N=1.0±1.2 and N/P=22.2±18.7) during the third stage. The ratios of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC/PN) are 7.7±1.1, 8.0±1.0, 6.5±1.3, respectively. The ratio at the third stage is very close to the Redfield ratio (C/N=6.6), which may result from the improvement of water quality.
In terms of temporal and spatial variation of various parameters, DO variability was strong in the time scale than in the spatial scale, but nutrients and POC show a decrease of spatial variability from the first stage to the third stage. The removal of oyster culture racks, and the implementation of sediment dredging plan at the Dapeng Bay have significant influence on the improvement of lagoon environment for the past ten years.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝……………………………………….……………………………….……..…... I
摘要……………………………………………………………………..………..….. II
Abstract…………………………………………………………………..…….…… IV
目錄……………………………………………………………………..……….. VI
表目錄…………………………………………………………..…………….… VIII
圖目錄………………………………………………………............….….......……. IX

第一章 前言……………………………………………………………......………. 1
第二章 研究區域……………………………………………………..……………. 4
2-1 地理環境…………………………………………………….................... 4
2-2 氣象水文…………………………………………………….................... 4
2-3 人文影響………………………………………………............................ 5
第三章 研究材料與方法……………………………………………..……………. 8
3-1 採樣位置及方法……………………………………………...................... 8
3-1-1 採樣位置……………………………………...………....……… 8
3-1-2 採樣時期及方法…………………………………...…....……… 8
3-2 樣品分析……………………………………………….............................. 9
3-2-1 葉綠素a之測定…………………………...……………………. 9
3-2-2 營養鹽分析……………………………………...…………….. 10
3-2-3 溶解態有機碳之測定…………………………………………. 12
3-2-4 總溶解態氮及溶解態有機氮之測定…………………………. 12
3-2-5 總溶解態磷及溶解態有機磷之測定…………………………. 13
3-2-6 顆粒態有機碳、氮之測定……………………………………. 15
3-2-7 總懸浮顆粒物濃度之測定……………………………………. 15

3-3 大鵬灣內水體滯留時間及物質之進出通量………...…..……………... 16
3-3-1 水的收支平衡(water budget)…………………..................... 16
3-3-2 鹽的收支平衡(water budget)…………………..................... 18
3-3-3 非保守性物質(non-conservative materials)的收支平衡 ........ 20
3-3-4 淨有機碳生成量之估算 ………......…...…...……....…....…... 21
第四章 結果與討論…………………………………………………………….… 23
4-1 大鵬灣長期水文資料之時序變化……………………............................ 23
4-2 大鵬灣水體滯留時間及海水交換量………………...…………………. 30
4-3 大鵬灣營養鹽與溶解態有機碳、氮、磷之時序變化…........................ 33
4-3-1 溶解態矽、氮、磷(DSi、DIN、DIP)等營養鹽之時序變化.. 33
4-3-2 溶解態有機碳、氮、磷(DOC、DON、DOP)之時序變化… 34
4-3-3 營養鹽與溶解態有機碳、氮、磷間的比值之時序變化…….. 35
4-4 總懸浮顆粒物(TSM)與顆粒態有機碳、氮(POC、PN)之時序變化…43
4-5 葉綠素a(Chl.a)對於營養鹽、顆粒態有機碳(POC)、總懸浮
顆粒物質(TSM)及基本水文特性之關係…………..…....................... 49
4-6 大鵬灣無機磷之輸出通量及有機碳生成量…………..….................... 56
4-7 三個階段各參數間之差異性…………………………..….................... 59
4-8 測站各參數間之空間差異性…………………………..….................... 60
第五章 結論………………………………………………………...…………….. 73
參考文獻…………………………………………………………….……………… 75
中文部份……………………………………………………….……………… 75
網站……………………………………………………………………………. 75
英文部份……………………………………………………….……………… 76
附錄 大鵬灣第三階段之各參數空間分佈……………………………………79
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