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博碩士論文 etd-1220107-145954 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1220107-145954
Using Systems Thinking to Discuss How Management Ideology Affects Business Dynamic Influence Process - XXX Co. As the Study Case
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People-Oriented, Management Ideology, Systems Thinking
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本研究採用系統思考的方法,以XXX 公司為個案,實際探索企業的經營理念對於企業經營的動態影響過程。並且得出以下結論:
1. 因為「以人為本」的經營理念,使得在上位者能夠真正的關心員工,不任意辭退員工、願意讓員工學習、傾聽員工的聲音增加彼此的互動並且調節員工的負荷量。在長期的影響下,增加了員工對公司的向心力、減輕員工的工作壓力、提升專案品質,並且減輕了員工的離職率。
2. 在「以人為本」經營理念的長期影響,配合著長期嚴格的甄選人才、公平的薪資制度以及預先的調節員工負荷量等動態搭配的情況下,使得公司在成長的時候,能夠避免滾起員工離職率的地雷結構,成為支持公司成長的持續動能。
3. 印證經營理念帶給公司的影響是全面性的、非常大的;同時也使我們瞭解到「以人為本」的經營理念,對於公司的成長及經營是具有正助益的。
A business ideology has very significant influences on a company. A well-thought business ideology can bring great profits and long-term sustainable
developments; on the other hand, a flawed business ideology often creates losses for the employees, business itself and even the society. Since the importance of business ideology to a business is undeniable; how then, is the business ideology play a part in the business dynamic influence process and what influences does it have on the actual
management process of a company?
This paper is proceeded through the method of systems thinking, using XXX Co.
as the study case, to discuss how management ideology affects business dynamic influence process. The conclusions found are as follow:
1. By following “people-oriented” management ideology, managers at higher positions truly care for their employees, and do not lay off any employees
arbitrarily, willing for employees to learn, increase interactions with employees by listening attentively to their true thoughts and adjust employee work loads
accordingly. In the long run, employee cohesions toward the company strengthen, employee work pressure lessen, project quality elevated and employee leave rate lowered.
2. Under the influences of “people-oriented” management ideology, in combination with a strict job selection process, a fair and unbiased wage system, and dynamiccriteria such as employee work loads. Thus, the firm can achieve sustainability in
business growth without triggering the landmine structure of employee leaves.
3. It is been proven that the influences of business ideology to a company are immense and very broad. At the same time, it made us realize that the
“people-oriented” business ideology has a positive affects and impacts on the growth and business management of a company.
目次 Table of Contents
謝詞......................................................................................... I
中文提要................................................................................ II
圖 目 錄................................................................................ VII
表 目 錄................................................................................VIII
第一章 緒論............................................................................1
第一節 研究動機....................................................................1
第二節 研究目的....................................................................2
第三節 研究架構....................................................................2
第二章 文獻探討....................................................................4
第一節 經營理念....................................................................4
第二節 經營理念與企業經營的關係....................................8
第三章 研究方法.................................................................10
一 、訪談法.........................................................................10
二 、分析工具:系統思考.................................................11
第四章 個案公司介紹與分析.............................................15
第一節 個案公司介紹.........................................................15
一 、公司歷史沿革.............................................................15
二 、公司組織結構.............................................................15
三 、公司營運概況.............................................................16
四 、公司作業流程.............................................................17
第二節 「以人為本」的經營理念.....................................18
第三節 個案分析.................................................................21
一 、投資成長環路.............................................................23
二 、員工負荷量環路.........................................................24
三 、員工負荷量調節環路.................................................25
四 、業務成長與人員雇用環路.........................................28
五 、員工離職增強環路.....................................................30
六 、員工訓練調節環路.....................................................31
七 、甄選員工與員工互助合作的影響.............................33
八 、員工向心力的影響之一.............................................37
九 、員工向心力的影響之二.............................................39
十 、以人為本的理念的影響之一.....................................42
十一 、以人為本的理念的影響之二.................................44
十二 、以人為本的理念的影響之三.................................46
十三 、公司體整動態搭配的情況.....................................48
小 結.....................................................................................50
第五章 結論與建議.............................................................53
第一節 結論.........................................................................53
一 、結論.............................................................................53
二 、管理意涵.....................................................................54
第二節 研究限制與建議.....................................................55
附 錄.....................................................................................60
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